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July 2021 Newsletter

Writer: Capalaba VetCapalaba Vet

July Newsletter

Check out what we've been up to this month



Pet of the Month

Hello to the gorgeous Charli Schoenfisch! Charli's owner has taken advantage of our dental month offer ($50 off!) and booked her in for a dental examination and clean. Charli is 12 years old, had a preanaesthetic blood test (which was all clear), intravenous fluids to keep her blood pressure stable and a full scale and polish. Although some of her teeth are stained permanently, she now has a healthier mouth, fresher breath and will keep all her teeth for a few more years!


What's Happening this Month

It's all about neutering – we have now reached the halfway point of the RSPCA Operation Wanted Desexing Campaign. Every year Vets across Australia volunteer to take part in Operation wanted – providing desexing operations for a 20% discount (this is covered entirely by the individual clinics that take part). Being part of this program is done as a community service as desexing surgeries are already routinely discounted by vets compared to other surgeries.

  • Desexing before the first ‘season’ reduces the chances of mammary cancer development in females from approximately 90% to almost nil. Males also benefit as the incidence of testicular and prostatic disease and perianal hernias is very high in entire adult males.

  • Prevents undesired ‘heats’ and unwanted pregnancy

  • Avoids development of offensive sexual behaviour – mounting (other animals, people, or objects) and urine spraying

  • Greatly reduces aggression related to sexual behaviour. (Entire males fight when nearby bitches/queens are on heat)

  • Reduces the intensity of dominance aggression. Irritable aggression often seen in females in heat and with false pregnancies.

  • N.B. TERRITORIAL AGGRESSION IS NOT ALTERED BY DESEXING – your dog will still protect your property if he/she is inclined to do so. (Some dogs are just too placid to guard even if entire!)

  • A desexed pet is less likely to roam (out looking for “love”) and become lost or involved in territorial conflicts with other animals or be hit by a car.

  • Reduces or eliminates inappropriate urination and defaecation caused by hormonal and sexual factors

  • Registration with City council is less expensive for desexed pets

For some common myths associated with Desexing please click here

Anyone can register for the discount by visiting

and obtaining a unique code from the RSPCA website and then calling us to make your booking – remember Operation wanted ends on 31st August!



  • Free Nurse dental checks (bookings required)

  • $50 off all dental procedures in July and August

  • $20 off all size Hills T/D food for cats and dogs

  • Buy 5 bags get the 6th bag free - Hills T/d food

  • Buy 5 bags get the 6th bag free - Royal Canin Dental food

  • Operation wanted 20% off desexings (RSPCA code required)


Clinic News

Like everyone else in Queensland we have been keeping a close eye on the COVID-19 updates and making adjustments to the running of the clinic based on current government advice. We are really looking forward to coming out the other side of all of this - but in the meantime, we will stay open for you and your pets no matter what the situation!

For those of you who have had the pleasure of meeting Dr Anne on a Thursday afternoon we are sorry to say that she will be moving on - for a sea-change at the Sunshine Coast!

We are all quite jealous and wish her all the best!



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